
DUBAWA is primarily supported and is a project of the Centre for Journalism Innovation and Development (CJID). It has received direct project support and also via collaborative implementation with other projects of the Centre. 

A major supporter of the DUBAWA Project is the MacArthur Foundation which seeks to strengthen investigative and data-driven journalism in Nigeria as part of its accountability journalism efforts in its On Nigeria Project.

Since 2018, Dubawa has also received other grants to fund project activities that support the culture of truth in West Africa. In addition to the above, the other institutions include:

  • The Heinrich Boll Stiftung via its Democracy Program
  • The British Council, through its Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption (RoLAC) programme to support capacity building initiatives for journalists in Nigeria
  • The IFCN, through its Factchecking Development Grant received from YouTube (via the Google News Initiative)
  • The National Endowment for Democracy, in support of research and development of information disorder in Nigeria
  • Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, in support of Dubawa (Ghana)’s 2020 election project which aimed at building capacity of media in Ghana, rigorous fact-checking of election-related information and using research to identify misinformation trends before, during and after Ghana’s 2020 elections.
  • UNESCO The Gambia

While we are open about reporting our funding support, the funders have absolutely no influence on our judgments and editorial decisions.

Dubawa also receives earned income majorly via our participation in Facebook’s Third Party Fact Checking Project; a part of the Facebook Journalism Project.

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