Content Categories

Our Categories Explained

Fact Checks:

This is the foundational content category for Dubawa. As a fact checking project, we work to identify questionable, viral claims and proceed to scrutinize said claims and provide updates on specific claims, with the aim of ascertaining the truth of the matter at hand, be this be about true, false, misleading claims, etc. In short,  this category responds to specific claims or issues. For a more detailed breakdown of our Fact-Checking process, CLICK HERE.


This category is concerned with providing multi-variable constructs used to make sense of complex events and situations. It includes: the transference of new meanings to complex and confusing phenomena; contextualization of ambiguous information; separation or unification of individual components of an event or situation and adaptation of that construct to fit its real purpose.

In terms of a particular goal, explainers promote understanding for lay readers of some information and help readers rethink concepts. This goal is, however, distinguished from those of promoting awareness of new information, proving a claim, or encouraging agreement with a claim. Here, the focus is on the quality of the content and its ability to simplify complex or ambiguous information. 

Media Literacy:

At Dubawa, we always say that in a 21st-century democracy, you – as producers – are the new media! As such, you must become your own gatekeeper, creating a filter of information for our collective sanity and survival. But this in itself requires hours of mental training and news consciousness.

Hence, this category is concerned with improving the reader/listener/viewer’s reception of all forms of messaging. It includes articles about the different types of information, how and by whom messages are produced, how they are framed to suit various interests, what tools are available to decipher disinformation networks without the help of a third party, etc.

In essence, the focus is on the quality of the consumer of media products.

Thematic Categories:

We also categorize our content thematically for ease of access. These themes contain content in the mould of all the above-listed content categories; be they fact-checks, media literacy articles or Explainers. These themes include but are not limited to: Economy, Health, Education, Security, Politics, Elections, Spoofs e.t.c 

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