
After denigrating COVID-19 Vaccine, Fani-Kayode takes AstraZeneca jab

A former minister of aviation, Femi Fani-Kayode, has received his first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine.

The former minister who has been vocal against COVID-19 vaccines shared a picture of himself taking the vaccine on Twitter on Wednesday. 

He said the COVID-19 vaccine being administered in Nigeria is not Bill Gates’ vaccine and that there is a huge difference between the vaccine in Nigeria and the exploratory vaccines that the World Health Organisation (WHO) wanted to test on Africans. According to him, it was this exploratory vaccine that he spoke against and resisted last year.

“The Covid vaccines we are taking in Nigeria are not Bill Gates’ vaccines and neither are we being used as Guinea pigs. These ones are tried & tested, have already been approved & have been administered successfully throughout the world. This is the Oxford Azrazeneca brand” he said in his Twitter post.

After denigrating COVID-19 Vaccine, Fani-Kayode takes AstraZeneca jab
Screenshot of Fani-Kayode’s Twitter posts.

Before now, on April 30, 2020,  Mr Fani-Kayode in a Twitter post warned against the danger of the vaccine that would be proposed as COVID-19 cure, noting “it will lead to the death of many.”

After denigrating COVID-19 Vaccine, Fani-Kayode takes AstraZeneca jab
Screenshot of Twitter post from April 30, 2020

In another Twitter thread on May 1, 2020, Fani Kayode said COVID-19 vaccines are part of Bill and Melinda Gate’s plan to kill millions. He added that only a fool will believe that a man who believes in reducing the world’s population will produce a vaccine that will save the world.

After denigrating COVID-19 Vaccine, Fani-Kayode takes AstraZeneca jab
Screenshot of Fani-Kayode’s Twitter Thread from May 1, 2020.

Looking at his previous tweets, Mr Fani-Kayode was not specific which vaccine he meant but claimed any move to developCOVID-19 vaccines, in general, was part of a plot by Bill and Melinda Gates to kill many.

Bill Gate has been one name that has suffered a lot of damage when it comes to fake news around the COVID-19 vaccine. From the claim that Bill Gate was offering $10million to house of representatives, to the claim he said at least 3 billion people need to die, to the claim that Bill gate is the cause of the pandemic etc.

However, all COVID-19 vaccine efforts since early 2020, is a collaborative effort by the multinational pharmaceutical industry and between governments.

As of February 18, 2021, at least seven different vaccines across three platforms have been rolled out in countries and more than 200 additional vaccine candidates are in development, of which more than 60 are in clinical development.

Is there a vaccine owned by Bill Gate?

There is no vaccine owned by BIll Gate. According to data published in the Lancet journal, The Bill and Melinda Gate Foundation has only made commitments and funded the production of some vaccines like the novavax, inovio, Dynavax SK Biosciences, Biological E etc.

After denigrating COVID-19 Vaccine, Fani-Kayode takes AstraZeneca jab
Screenshot of Health Policy data on leading vaccines and their funders

Is there a WHO exploratory vaccine?

The WHO has no vaccine it is pushing for any country. This organisation is tasked with monitoring and reviewing vaccines as they are produced for safety and efficiency before recommending any for use. 

The Astrazeneca in Nigeria which Mr Fani-Kayode has now received was donated by COVAX which is a WHO initiative.

The aim of the WHO and this initiative is to end the acute phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, by speeding up the development of safe and effective vaccines against COVID-19, supporting the building of manufacturing capabilities, and working with governments and manufacturers to ensure fair and equitable allocation of the vaccines to all countries.

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One Comment

  1. After denigrating the COVID-19 vaccines now rushes to TAKE Astra-Zeneca jab. Hope this will be given as wide a publicity to those he dissuaded from taking there own jabs. A case of do not as I say but watch what I do. A rabble rouser indeed. By there words will know them.

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