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All you need to know about your PVC: features and what they represent

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As the collection of Permanent Voters Cards (PVC) continues nationwide, voters need to know the features of their cards and what each part represents.

The PVC enables registered voters to exercise their civic right to vote and is used to identify registered voters at the Polling Unit (PU) for voting on election day.

Features of the PVC

The PVC stores information such as biometric data, i.e. physical attributes and thumbprints. The information on the PVCs is electronically programmed and can only be read /assessed electronically with a card reader. It has 14 features. 

All you need to know about your PVC: features and what they represent
Image showing PVC breakdown by INEC. 
  1. Polling Unit (PU) Code 

The Polling Unit (PU) code is a 9-digit code located at the top right of your PVC. The first two digits of the code represent the number of your state; for example, Abia State is 01, and the Federal Capital Territory is 37. The second two-digit number represents your Local Government Area (LGA). The third two-digit number represents your Ward, and the last three-digit number represents your PU. 

  1. Voter’s image

Below the PU code is the image of the voter/holder/owner of the card. 

  1. Voter Identification Number (VIN)

Parallel to the PU code is the Voter Identification number which is used to locate the voter on the voter register. An individual can check for his/her status on the voter register using the VIN of his/her name and date of birth. 

  1. Delimitation

This is located just below the VIN, and it names the State, LGA, and Ward of the voter. 

  1. Voter’s Name

This is located below the VIN carrying the voter’s surname, first name and middle name. 

  1. Voter’s Date of Birth

This detail is found just below the voter’s name. It carries the numbers representing the day, month and year of birth. 

  1. Voter’s Gender

This is parallel to the voter’s date of birth. This shows whether the card owner is male or female. 

  1. Voter’s Occupation

Located under the voter’s date of birth, this shows the job or profession of the voter. 

  1. Voter’s Address

This is the house address of the voter, and it is located under the voter’s occupation. 

  1. Barcode

This is a machine-readable code in the form of a pattern of parallel lines of varying widths printed on the card. It is located at the top of the back of the voter card. 

  1. Card Serial Number

This number is a unique identifier assigned sequentially to voters’ cards to identify them. It is located behind the voter card, parallel to the batch number.

  1. Last Name/Surname, VIN of the voter, and date of registration

This carries the voter’s first name with his/her VIN and registration date. 

  1. Batch Number

This carries a series of numbers similar to the polling unit code found in front of the voter card. This, however, has a letter before the state number and an additional two-digit number after the polling unit number. 

  1. Voter Fingerprints indicator

This is located underneath the voter image on the front of the voter card.  

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