The International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) has announced DUBAWA as one of its $875,000 Global Fact Check Fund recipients.
IFCN made this announcement in a news report on Poynter on Thursday, June 29, 2023.
According to the network, each recipient will be awarded $25,000 for projects that will build their capacity in the fight against misinformation and disinformation.
“Misinformation is on the march in many parts of the world. This important funding will enable fact-checking organisations to become better at their work, stronger in their capabilities and wider reach,” said Angie Drobnic Holan, director of the IFCN. “That will pay dividends for the citizens of their countries by helping to support free and accurate expression and providing tools to critically assess the information they consume.”
The Fund, supported by a $13.2 million grant from Google and YouTube, seeks to help the 35 organisations in 45 countries scale and upgrade their online presence by modernising their websites, hiring staff, training people to identify misinformation and many other initiatives to build their capacity.
For three years and eight phases, the Fund will support eligible organisations to increase professionalism in fact-checking associated with media outlets and help citizens better assess what they see in mass media and social media.
The Deputy Director of CJID’s Verification and Media Literacy practice, Caroline Anipah, reacting to this announcement, said the grant would help address some of DUBAWA’s key challenges.
She appreciated the IFCN and its partners while reassuring them that the fund would be put to good use.
“This grant offers us an opportunity to address some key challenges hindering DUBAWA’s work. We are thankful to the IFCN and its partners for finding us worthy and assure them that it will be put to good use.
Recipients of this Fund span the globe, from Africa, South America, Asia, Europe and Oceania, with projects to be completed in a nine- to 12-month time frame.
Below is a full list of all the BUILD grant recipients:
- First Check, India.
- Digiteye India, India.
- MindaNews, Philippines.
- Vishvas News, India.
- Fundacja “Przeciwdziałamy Dezinformacji”, Poland.
- The Civilitas Foundation, Armenia.
- 211 Check, South Sudan.
- Bolivia Verifica (Fundación para el Periodismo), Bolivia.
- MediaNet International Centre for Journalism Public Foundation, Kazakhstan.
- Media Development Foundation (MDF)/ Myth Detector, Georgia.
- by Verité Research, Sri Lanka.
- Pravda Association, Poland.
- DUBAWA/Centre for Journalism Innovation and Development, Nigeria, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Liberia and The Gambia.
- Faktoje Albania, Albania.
-, Belgium.
- NewsMeter (Fifth Estate Digital Private Ltd.), India.
- Lupa, Brazil.
- NewsMobile, India.
- Fatabyyano Fact-checking LLC, Jordan, serving the MENA region (Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Syrian Arab Republic, Libya, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain, Palestinian Territory, Yemen, Iraq, Egypt, Sudan, Lebanon and Western Sahara).
- Fact-Check Ghana, Ghana.
- AAP FactCheck, Australia.
- Dogrula, Turkey.
- Technology Organization for Peace (Tech4Peace), Iraq.
- Taiwan FactCheck Center, Taiwan.
- NGO VoxUkraine, Ukraine.
- The Journal FactCheck (Journal Media), Ireland.
- Digital Forensic, Research and Analytics Center, India.
- Prova dos Factos @ Público, Portugal.
- Action for Democratic Society (ADS)/, Kosovo.
- Mala Espina Check, Chile.
- ChequeaBolivia, Bolivia.
- Viral Check, Portugal.
- Soch Fact Check, Pakistan.
- 5W1H MEDIA PRIVATE LTD. (TheLogicalIndian), India.
- FactCheck Hub (International Centre for Investigative Reporting), Nigeria.