Dubawa is looking for volunteers to join a nationwide outreach to educate students/youth corp members on media and information literacy, basic fact-checking, and critical thinking skills.
We are looking for individuals who are passionate about media literacy and who are willing to learn and share their knowledge with others.
Eligibility and Expectation
Volunteers must:
- Be resident in Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Liberia, or The Gambia.
- Be willing to undergo online training if selected.
- Be willing to visit a senior high school (preferably their alma mater) in their resident country to sensitize and educate students on media and information literacy and fact-checking.
- Will be available for the ‘‘week for truth’’ in the last week of October.
- Understand the use of social media.
- Have good communication skills.
Click on this form to sign up.
Registration will end at midnight on the 18th of October, 2022.
Selected volunteers will be notified and trained.
I am interested
I am interested
missed deadline can i still apply
I will like patispate in the programme