Claim: A viral video claims two persons survived the plane crash that killed Nigeria’s Army chief.
Dubawa finds the viral video misleading. A narrator in the video was speaking of Nigerian Air Force Jet crash in Abuja in 2018.
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Earlier in May, Nigeria’s Army Chief, Lt-Gen Ibrahim Attahiru, was killed alongside 10 other officers in a plane crash in Kaduna State. This led to several claims including the claim that 2 persons survived the crash.
A 30seconds video which was being circulated on different social media platforms was sent to Dubawa by one of its partners for a fact-check.
“This video purported that 2 people escaped unhurt from the CoAS crashed plane.”
Excerpt of comment shared along with the video on WhatsApp
A witness in the video said two persons survived the crash using parachutes.
“The thing happen, they de up, as the thing happen from up, Nahim the aeroplane burn. Them comot with those things parachute they hold am like this, two of them…”
Excerpt of the narrator’s comment.
Dubawa first observed the video had two trademarks/icon on the top left and the bottom right.
Dubawa found the first trademark or icon on the top left to be the icon of Voice Tv Nigeria.
The second icon on the bottom left of the video was that of a video editing Application(App), InShot which shows the video had undergone some form of editing using by the App.
Dubawa also conducted a Keyframe analysis of the video using the Invid tool and different reverse image searches.
The Google reverse image search did not produce any related or useful result.
Also, a Bing search did not yield any useful results.
Same result was gotten with Yandex and TinEye.
Dubawa went ahead to conduct a keyword search which led to a 6 minutes 25 seconds video on Voice Tv. This video shared in 2018 was on the Nigerian Air Force Jet crash in Abuja.
Dubawa finds the viral video misleading because as the plane crash the eye witness was speaking of was that of the Nigerian Air Force Jet crash in Abuja in 2018 not the kaduna military plane crash that claimed the life of the major general and other officers.