Claim: A public announcement claims that the National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA) in collaboration with Development Partners will ramp up COVID-19 mass vaccination across the country.

The campaign was launched at the Eagle Square on 19 November, 2021 by the Ministry of Health, National Primary Health Care Development Agency, in collaboration with Development Partners.
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A public announcement making the rounds on social media platforms claims the National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA) in collaboration with Development Partners will engage some ad hoc personnel for mass vaccination across the country.
The message urged all qualified Nigerians to apply as ad hoc ‘vaccinators,’ recorders and validators who must be health workers licensed to administer injections.
The message further stated that the minimum qualification for recorders and validators is post secondary school education and only applicants who have received at least one dose of COVID-19 will be considered.
On WhatsApp, where the message was also shared, multiple users doubted the credibility of the news. One user in a group commented, “please stop sharing this kind of information here. It is fake. Do we also need to tell you?”
This is not the first time Dubawa has debunked alleged job announcements offered by government agencies. At the height of the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020, multiple job opportunities misled members of the public into falling victims of ponzi schemes. As such, Dubawa opted to verify the claim.
When Dubawa reached out to the head of communications, NPHCDA, Muhammad Onitoto, he confirmed that the public service announcement to engage ad hoc personnel for mass vaccination campaign is true.
“Yes, it is true. NPHCDA is set to undertake a mass vaccination campaign across the countries. The opportunity is open for all those who are qualified,” Mr Onitoto said in a phone conversation.
Even more, the job opportunity was shared on the NPHCA’s website, encouraging those qualified to apply and be part of the campaign.
The claim that the National Primary Health Care Development Agency, in collaboration with development partners, is engaging ad hoc personnel for mass vaccination in the country is true.
The fact check was produced per Dubawa Kwame Karikari Fellowship partnership with the National Orientation Agency to facilitate the ethos of “ truth” in journalism and enhance media literacy in the country.