Claim: A viral WhatsApp message on security tips claims that the message came from the Inspector General of the Sierra Leone Police Ambrose Sovula.
The Assistant Commissioner of Police, Brima Kamara, says the viral message on WhatsApp containing security tips is not from the IGP.
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A WhatsApp message which has been shared on various WhatsApp groups as well as to individuals containing security tips claims to have come from the Inspector General of Police Ambrose Sovula. The message which has nineteen (19) tips explains how citizens should secure themselves.
“Don’t allow your children who can’t recognize voices to open doors for strangers/visitors,” says tip one. The message furthered that, “ stay away from any strange man, who looks like a pregnant woman; he may be carrying harmful products.” The message concluded by requesting that it should be rebroadcast to family and friends, adding that security is everybody’s business.
The Assistant Commissioner of the Sierra Leone Police Brima Kamara confirms to Dubawa that the viral WhatsApp message did not come from his boss nor from the Sierra Leone Police as an institution.
This was made known to Dubawa when he was contacted via WhatsApp to verify the message.
“No! Even though some of the security tips contained therein are appropriate for one’s personal security; they are not coming from us,” says ACP Brima Kamara.
To further cross check such a claim, Dubawa searched the website of the Sierra Leone Police to see if such a message was posted to no avail.
Whilst the content of the security tips are commendable, Dubawa is setting the record straight that no such message came from the Inspector General of Police nor from the Sierra Leone Police institution itself.
The researcher produced this fact-check per the Dubawa 2021 Kwame KariKari Fellowship partnership with The Daily Trust to facilitate the ethos of “truth” in journalism and enhance media literacy in the country.