
Was The Last NECO Result Released Within 43 days?

CLAIM: Acting NECO’s Registrar, Abubakar Gana, claims that his administration has reduced NECO release time to less than 90 days, with the last release done in 43 days

MOSTLY TRUE: Since 2015, NECO result release time has been less than 90 days on average. However, the last release for the November/December 2018 exam was not within 43 days as we were led to believe. 


In June 2019, the Acting NECO Registrar, Abubakar Gana bragged about NECO’s release schedule, claiming the last examination results were ready in 43 days! This took place in Abuja while the National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) were being received.

He said:

There were times in the past where universities and other tertiary institutions took very long periods to admit students. But with our coming, we started releasing results within 90 days. We started like that, but as I am talking to you, the last release we had was done in 43 days.”


The National Examinations Council (NECO) conducts exam twice in a year in Nigeria – the June/July and November/December slots. As at June 2019, the last result released by NECO was the November/December 2018 examination. The time table of the November/December 2018 NECO SSCE revealed that the exam started November 19 and ended December 19, 2018. The result of the exam was released February 8, 2019.

There are 50 days between December 19, 2018 and February 8, 2019. This negates the claim by NECO that it released its result within 43 days.

Apparently, Mr Gana was referring to June/July 2018 examination slot and not the November/December time frame. This was the response gotten from Head of Information and Public Relations for NECO, Mr Azeez Sani. He claimed his boss was specific; but all reported quotes attributed to the acting Registrar say otherwise.

Recalling the quote… “as I am talking to you, the last release we had was done in 43 days the last”. The operative phrase being “the last,” assuages to November/December examination. This is predicated on the fact that the statement was made in June 2019. And, it was the only available release as at that period.

Average NECO release dates have been between 90 days on average 

A crosscheck on examinations conducted by NECO between 2015 and 2017 revealed that results were released between 38 days and 95 days. In fact, the Acting Registrar’s administration actually started May 2018, and within that period, examinations have been released between 43 days and 50 days.

The  2015 November/ December examination result  was released within 95 days; the 2016 June/July exam result was released within 60 days; the 2016 November/December exam result was announced within 74 days; the June/July 2017 examination result was declared within 51 days; the November/December 2017 result was released within 38 days; the June/July 2018 examination result was declared within 43 days; while November/December 2018 examination result was declared within 50 days.


As at June 2019, NECO did not release its last examination (November/December 2018 slot) result in 43 days. However, it did release the June/July exam within 43days. So it stands to reason that the claim is not entirely true. This is because although an examination result (June/July) was released within 43 days, it was not the one (November/December) we were led to believe. 

This fact-check was done by a Dubawa Fact-checking Fellow in collaboration with The Guardian, an independent newspaper, established in 1983 for the purpose of presenting balanced coverage of events, and of promoting the best interests of Nigeria.

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