Facebook Checks

Fact Checking Viral Claims Related To Recent Xenophobic Killings In South Africa II

CLAIM:  A Facebook video claimed that foreigners are being chased away from South Africa because of Xenophobia.

TRUE: Evidence does in fact corroborate the claim that xenophobic violence was perpetuated by South Africans. In fact, the intent to drive away foreigners resulted in a six-count death toll. Notwithstanding the sensitivity of this incident, its recent re-emergence is ill intentioned as viewing such content can only elicit not very good feelings in Nigerians. 

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A Facebook video captioned, “Foreigners being chased away from South Africa in the name of xenophobia.” has been trending again ever since the recent attack occurred in South Africa. Overtime, the video has gathered 20.3k Likes, 3.3k Comments and 29.5k Shares.


Preliminary findings show the video is not recent as the claim alleges. A reverse image search revealed a video dated far back as March 29, 2019 and captioned: “South Africa and its xenophobia.” The same video on published on another Youtube page on 5th April, 2019 with the title: “South Africans chase away foreigners as xenophobia continues.”

A report by Human Right Watch published, April 15, 2019 explains the circumstances that led to the events recorded in the video. The report revealed that the violence started on March 25th and ended on April 2nd. The former incidentally being, the same day South Africa issued its five-year National Action Plan to combat xenophobia, racism, and discrimination.

In a statement on March 28, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) recorded six deaths amidst violent displays; further calling on the government for urgent action.


Evidence does in fact corroborate the claim that xenophobic violence was perpetuated by South Africans. More so, the intent to drive away foreigners resulted in a six-count death toll. Notwithstanding the sensitivity of this incident, its recent re emergence is ill intentioned as viewing such content can only elicit not so very good feelings in Nigerians. Consequently, we advise the public against retaliatory acts and report any such activity to the relevant authorities.

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  1. Yes its up setting ,but important to visitors it’s a warning to be very careful to help prevent more deaths ,hiding news whether old or new,leaves people vunerable and blindly unaware of there safety, better that than hurting some people’s emotions,this is our world now,No one likes it ,the leaders of countries need to do more to make people feel safe ,because it is our inherant right to defend ourselves.

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