Fact CheckFeaturedSierra Leone

Fuel Pump Prices have not been increased in Sierra Leone contrary to a public notice in circulation

Claim: A Public Notice in circulation claims that fuel pump prices have been increased with immediate effect by the government.

Fuel Pump Prices have not been increased in Sierra Leone contrary to a public notice in circulation

The Executive Chairman of the Petroleum Regulatory Agency, Brima M Baluwa Koroma, says the public notice claiming that the government has increased fuel pump prices is false. He said although it is imminent, prices have not been increased.

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A Public Notice has been circulating on social media platforms, especially WhatsApp and Facebook that the Petroleum Regulatory Agency, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Trade and Industry and the Oil Marketing Companies have increased fuel pump prices with immediate effect.

‘‘With immediate effect Petrol, Diesel, Kerosene and Fuel Oil move from Le 8,500 to Le10,000 per litre.’’ It also furthered that,  ‘‘ all Oil Marketing Companies (OMC) and fuel dealers nationwide are urged to adhere to the above pump price adjustments. It continued that the government and OMC’s have agreed to reform the downstream petroleum sector in a transparent way of adjusting fuel pump prices that seek the interest of the general public,’’ the notice stated.

Fuel Pump Prices have not been increased in Sierra Leone contrary to a public notice in circulation
Fuel Pump Prices have not been increased in Sierra Leone contrary to a public notice in circulation


Dubawa monitored and did several checks on the various government’s websites and social media platforms including the Petroleum Regulatory Agency, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Trade and Industry Facebook pages, but all debunked the claim. 

Also the Executive Chairman of the Petroleum Regulatory, Agency Brima M Baluwa Koroma, was on one Radio Democracy on the 22nd of June to debunk the notice saying, ‘‘prices have not been increased even though it is imminent.’’ 

“Sierra Leone does not determine its oil or pump prices as the prices of petroleum products are determined by a combination of the international Oil reference price (PLATTS) and the foreign exchange rate,” Mr Koroma added’


From the analysis and investigations relating to the claim in the public notice, it is clear that the notice is false. Even if there might be an increase in the prices of fuel, it is yet to be effected. 

The researcher produced this fact-check per the 2021 Kwame Karikari Fact-checking Fellowship partnership with Afriradio to facilitate the ethos of truth in journalism and enhance media literacy in the country.

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