Claim: A viral WhatsApp message claims the UN 2019 first quarter report shows there are 7.8 billion people on earth with 5.6 billion women and 2.2 billion men.

The figures by this WhatsApp message and news report for total population and the ratio of men to women population is wrong.
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A viral WhatsApp message claiming to be ‘breaking news’ claims the United Nations (UN) 2019 first quarter report shows there are 7.8 billion people on earth with 5.6 billion women and 2.2 billion men.
This message, which has the link to a news report attached to it, advised women to be careful with their attitude towards men because out of the 2.2 billion men, one billion are married already, 130 million are in prison, and 70 million are mentally ill.
“….There are 7.8Billion people on planet earth. The report shows:- Women = 5.6Billion, Men = 2.2Billion” part of this message read.
We followed the link attached to this message, and it led to a news report by the Independent in April 2019.
This report has the same details as the WhatsApp message claiming women are more than men in the world.
A keyword search led to the UN’s population data from 1950 to 2020 and its report that noted the estimated world population for 2019 was 7.7 billion.
This report believes the world’s population could grow to 8.5 billion in 2030 and 9.7 in 2050.
“The world’s population reached 7.7 billion in mid- 2019, having added one billion people since 2007 and two billion since 1994”, part of the report read.
This data shows that in 2019 the world population was 7.71 billion while in 2020 it was 7.79million.
The data for male population shows that in 2019, the Male population was 3.89 million while in 2020 it was 3.93 million.
The female population on the other hand was 3.82 million in 2019 and 3.86 million in 2020.
The UN world population prospect report for 2019 also shows this figure.
This data is, however, confusing as the figures are in millions not billions unlike most reports about the world population. Totaling the figures over the years from 1950 to 2019 and 2020 using AutoSum on excel sheet did not help either.
So we needed an explanation of this dataset to better understand the figures so we looked at other other data sources.
Statistic Times’ breakdown and explanation of the world population statistics by the UN show that in 2019, there were 3.89 billion men against 3.82 billion women, in 2020, 3.97 billion men against 3.86 billion women and in 2021, 3.97 billion men against 3.90 billion women.
“As of 2021, There are 3,970,238,390 or 3,970 million or 3.97 billion males in the world, representing 50.42% of the world population. The population of females in the world is estimated at 3,904,727,342 or 3,905 million or 3.905 billion, representing 49.58% of the world population. The world has 65,511,048 or 65.51 million more males than females” statistic times report read.
Also, worldometers data showed that the world population for 2020 is approximately 7.79 billion while in 2019 it was 7.71billion.
From the above data sets, we can see that the figure, 7.8 billion given for the world population in 2019 is wrong as the actual figure is 7.7billion. Contrary to the WhatsApp claim that the female population is more than that of the male with 5.6 billion women against 2.2billion men, data show there are 3.89 men against 3.82 women.
The UN data and explanation by Statistic times show that the figures for total population and the ratio of men to women are wrong.
Aside from the incorrect figures, this is not a recent report and 2019 figures are no longer relevant seeing there are statistics for 2020 and 2021.
This makes the WhatsApp message and Independent news report false and misleading.