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The FactChecker

Our 100th Issue!

We are excited to roll out the 100th issue of our weekly newsletter and are even happier to share this milestone with you. This issue is dedicated to you, our loyal subscribers, thank you for your trust and support. In this light, we have compiled our most-read articles to act as a refresher. We have also added a short video with messages from some of our most loyal readers to say thank you!

Five Most Read Fact Checks and Articles

  1. What Secrets do the BVN Hold?

A WhatsApp message claimed that an exposed BVN does not give a fraudster access to your money, instead, they would get information such as name, date of birth and phone number. How true is this? Find out here.

The FactChecker
  1. #HEALTHCHECK: The Not-So-Magical Lemon Water

“Pieces of lemon in a glass of hot water can save you for the rest of your life,” is a phrase you may have heard. You may have come across the assertion or variations of it on various internet sites or WhatsApp broadcast messages or from a friend or family member. Read the facts about this here.

The FactChecker
  1. Sucking a Woman’s Breast will not Reduce her Risks of Breast Cancer

Social media users have circulated stories that suggest that the suckling of breasts, especially by spouses or partners, can reduce the chances of breast cancer in both men and women. This is not accurate, read the facts here.

The FactChecker
  1. Does Groundnut Cause Pimples as Sometimes Claimed?

Oftentimes, this groundnut has been blamed for causing pimples in many parts of the world and Nigeria is not left out in the assumption which is neither medical, scientific nor nutritional. How true is this? Find out here.

The FactChecker
  1. Thank You For Reading Our 100th Issue!
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