
What is the Queen of England’s COVID-19 Status?

A news publication reports royal Palace confirms Queen Elizabeth tests positive for coronavirus.

What is the Queen of England's COVID-19 Status?

While we cannot know if Queen Elizabeth does not have COVID-19, no evidence suggests she does. Besides, no notable publications corroborate this assertion. And, although she came in contact with Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of England who has a positive COVID-19 status, no reports definitively say she has undergone a test. Rather, credible intel suggests she is “following all the appropriate advice with regards to her welfare”.

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On March 28, a  publication reported that the Queen of England, Queen Elizabeth II, tested positive for COVID-19. UCR World News, the publisher, reported this with reference to an unidentified release from the Palace.

The further surmised the news to be expected, noting the Queen had been in contact with Prime Minister Boris Johnson. The latter who we recall tested positive for the novel coronavirus. also published a related article which asserts a positive COVID-19 status to the Queen of England.

The moniker, COVID-19, has undoubtedly become a household name as several reports on the disease now dominate the media space, ravaging the world with no respect to status, race, religion or weather.

The United Kingdom, currently, has recorded a total of 19,522 cases with 1228 deaths.  Credible platforms have reported that the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, his health secretary and his chief medical adviser have all tested positive. This, however, came after the Queen’s son and heir to the British throne, Prince Charles reportedly tested positive for COVID-19.


To ascertain the truthfulness to this claim, we sort after credible reports. We first found a CNN article, published on the same date of the claim in question. According to the report, the Queen “remains in good health.” The news platform communicated this while attributing the information to the Buckingham Palace which revealed the information after the Prime Minister (PM) – Boris Johnson – tested positive. However, CNN also confirmed that the queen saw the PM earlier as reported by UCR.  

“The Queen remains in good health, Buckingham Palace said Friday after news broke that UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has tested positive for coronavirus. “The Queen last saw the PM on the 11th March and is following all the appropriate advice with regards to her welfare”

Buckingham Palace

Likely False

Furthermore, a New York Times publication contradicts the UCR story that the Queen tested positive for COVID-19. The March 27 publication says the Queen “is in good health.”

While we can’t find this article on any credible platform, a number of the platforms that published it all attributed it to our claim-source – UCR, suggesting the site was the originator of the claim in circulation.

Queen Elizabeth Meets With Boris Johnson at Buckingham Palace ...
Source: Town & Country Magazine

Also, while there’s a  probability of the Queen testing positive having been in contact with the PM, no credible sources definitively confirm her status. At the same time, she may very well be fine and not infected. Nothing is certain! Thus, to make such conjecture with no evidence is highly misleading.

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