
What you need to know about the organization of polling stations and voting process in Senegal

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In Senegal, a presidential decree sets the ballot. It lasts only one day and takes place on a Sunday, according to Article L.63 of the Electoral Code.

Article L.64.- of the same code specifies that the election shall take place under the supervision and control of the Autonomous National Electoral Commission (CENA). The latter ensures the regularity of the composition of the polling stations as well as that of the voting operations, the counting of ballots, and the counting of votes. It guarantees the free exercise of the rights of voters, candidates, and lists of candidates.

Requests for deleting, modifying, and establishing polling places must be duly substantiated. They must receive the mandatory endorsement of the C.E.N.A. before being forwarded to the body responsible for elections, together with a copy of the minutes of the meeting of the electoral committee. The latter shall be informed of the fate of the proposed changes to the electoral map.

The same article also states that there may not be more than six hundred (600) voters per polling station in the communes. However, he points out that if at the end of the distribution of registered voters in the polling place, there remains a surplus of voters less than or equal to fifty (50), the maximum number of voters at the last polling station is set at six hundred and fifty (650) registered. If more than fifty (50) voters have not yet been assigned, a new polling station must be opened.

The list of polling stations throughout the national territory is definitively drawn up and published thirty (30) days before the election by the Minister in charge of elections under the supervision and control of the C.E.N.A. It cannot be modified in any way.

Through the intermediary of the administrative authorities, it is transmitted to the mayors, who ensure the publication of the list of polling stations under their jurisdiction utilizing posters and their notification to the candidates and lists of candidates.

Article L.67.- relates to the composition of polling stations. The said article states that each polling station is composed of: – a president, an assessor, a secretary appointed by the prefect or sub-prefect from among civil servants of the A, B, or C hierarchy or equivalent, in active service or retired and residing in the region, or from among employees of public authorities, public or semi-public establishments, living in the area of a rank equivalent to that of the above-mentioned civil servants; – and a representative registered on an electoral roll of the department by list of candidates or by candidate as a member.

These citizens must be able to read and write in French, the official language. The first names, surnames, professions, and registration numbers on an electoral roll or the registration receipt number of the candidates’ representatives or lists of candidates in the polling stations must be notified to the C.E.N.A. and the head of the competent administrative district. For the presidential, legislative, departmental, and municipal elections, no later than twenty-five (25) days before the election; for the election of High Councillors, no later than ten (10) days before the election, explains Article L.68.

Article L.69.- is dedicated to voters with a temporary or permanent disability that does not allow them to access their polling station. They are allowed to vote at the most accessible polling station in the polling place where they are regularly registered. They vote first.

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